Object Shows Community

Rose Gold iPhone:Hello viewers, I'm Rose Gold iPhone and Ill be your host of Object Earth! So let's get into our contestants! The first Contestant is....Oyster Knife!

Oyster Knife:Step Aside,idiot!!!! I'm gonna win and you can't stop me!

Rose Gold iPhone:This started off on a bad note. The next contestant is....Yellow Book!

Yellow Book:Hey. I'm only here to make friends, and to win.

Rose Gold iPhone:Well that helped me recover,the next contestant is Onyx!


Rose Gold iPhone:That ended quickly. Next contestants are Sandstone Brick and Cuppy!

Sandstone Brick:Hey there, I'm excited to be on this show!

Cuppy:Me too!

Rose Gold iPhone: The last contestants are Gas Tank, Fire Opal and Composition Book.

Fire Opal:Hey stupid idiots.

Composition Book:Um,that's the incorrect way to say it.

Fire Opal:Shut up, nerd. You too, Fattie!

Gas Tank:Aww.

Rose Gold iPhone:The first challenge is a race to the finish line! GO!

Oyster Knife:Get outta my way!

Cuppy:Hey Yellow Book, wanna team up?

Yellow Book:Sure, Hop On.

Sandstone Brick:Alright, Lets go!

Onyx:Ya think I could do too, Yellow Book?

Yellow Book:Um...Sure! Hop on!

Fire Opal:C'mon, Fattie!

Gas Station:But I Can't!

Fire Opal:I don't care.

  • everybody keeps on running*

Composition Book:I think I made it...

Rose Gold iPhone:Composition Book is in 1ST Place!

Yellow Book:Almost There!

Rose Gold iPhone:Yellow Book is in 2ND Place!

Yellow Book:Umm....Cuppy! You get 3RD Place!


Rose Gold iPhone:Cuppy is in 3RD Place and Onyx is in 4TH!

Oyster Knife:Alright, I'm here, losers.

Rose Gold iPhone:Oyster Knife is in 5TH!

Sandstone Brick:At least I'm not in last...

Rose Gold iPhone:Sandstone Brick is in 6TH!

Fire Opal:What?! I finished in 7TH?!

Rose Gold iPhone:Fire Opal is in 7TH!And Gas Tank is in 8TH!

Gas Tank:Aww.....

Rose Gold iPhone:Vote for Onyx,Oyster Knife,Sandstone Brick, Fire Opal, or Gas Tank to be eliminated!
